Yara Akiel


Yara is a senior at the University of Southern California majoring in Neuroscience with a minor in Psychology. After graduating, Yara will be taking a gap year doing research and applying to medical school.

Currently one of USC AMWA’s Alumni Coordinators, Yara has been in this organization since Spring 2021. She joined AMWA because she was initially very confused about what it meant to be a premedical student, and this organization offered her the support and guidance she needed to figure it out. For Yara, AMWA is great because it is a welcoming, nonjudgmental, and non competitive environment that provides useful and amazing resources for our members.

Outside of AMWA, Yara is USC tour guide. Research wise, Yara is involved in the national ABCD developmental neuroscience study at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. For her hobbies, Yara loves to read, crochet, and watch TV.

For incoming members, Yara’s biggest piece of advice for you is to “never compare yourself to other premed students!” Everyone is on their own path to becoming a physician, so never feel inadequate if you see others are doing something you aren’t!